Embodied Fabrication

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In the course 'Embodied Fabrication', taught in the BA Interaction Design at ZHdK, digital fabrication is approached from the perspective of embodiment.
With more flexible and more accessible modes of fabrication, and with social aspects of fabrication emerging in recent years, we have the opportunity to investigate ways that we can transform our physical selves and environments.

In this module, students uncover some of these possibilities by designing and informing body orthotics with personal data. By group or individual work, they propose such form of body extension.
Design factors may include:
• material intimacy
• processes of fabrication / physical interactions that impact digital fabrication
• wearability
• performative aspects

Their works encounter some of these research questions:

  • What does interaction Design bring to the topic of Digital Fabrication? 
  • How can the theory of embodied interaction influence digital fabrication processes? 
  • Can the outcome of the fabrication reflect the theory of embodiment? 
  • What tools/technology can be used to facilitate this process? 
  • How can data be visualised in physical form? Can the data be understood, or is it a purely aesthetic output?

Info & Credits


Joëlle Bitton and collaborators (Verena Ziegler, Luke Franzke, ...)


Since 2017

