
Kindergarten Image 1

“Kindergarten” was designed to create a narrative environment (children and monsters playing hide-and-seek at the fun fair) where the user is immersed and guided by a sound navigation through shapes and pieces of pictures.
The installation consists of three visual and sound environments that represent the world fantasized over the funfair: the ghost-train, the distorting mirrors, and the peeping-hole. The web version is the light version and allows to interact with the ghost-train stage.
The user moves in four directions (up, down, right, left) by means of the corresponding arrows of the keyboard. It is the sound and the music that take turns to drive the user towards the various environments, separated among them by screens of masks and shadows.

Video demo:

Info & Credits


Joëlle Bitton, Enrico Bravi, Ulf Harr and Raphaël Meyer


Philip Zoubek




Installation & projection, trackball, Director / Shockwave app (online version)


Prix ‘Nouveaux Talents’ at the FIFI 2001

Exhibitions and festivals:

ENSBA, Paris, for numer.00, Dec 2000; Operatotale, Venice, Jan 2001; Fête de l’Internet, Chapelle des Beaux-Arts de Paris, March 2001; FIFI, Lille, April 2001; Centre Pompidou, Paris, May 2001; Mains d’Oeuvre, St-Ouen, July 2001; DATA, Dublin, Oct 2002; Batofar, Paris, for the event ‘ presents Raw Screens’, June 2004; VIA, Maubeuge, March 2009; EXIT ‘Les Nouveaux Monstres’, MAC Créteil, April 2009