In this workshop, I collaborated on an audio-photography project with the non-French speaking classroom of the junior high-school Politzer of Montreuil (the classroom is teaching French to teenagers who are in France for the first time and speak little French or no French at all). The classroom teenagers retraced the steps of four elder women who started to work in Montreuil in the Thirties when they were 14 or 15 years-old. They interviewed the women about their work memories, followed their steps in the modern city and mounted an interaction exhibition at la Maison Pop recapping their encounters and their experience. I joined the project as an artist conducting the workshop over six months.
Info & Credits
Joëlle Bitton
Jocelyne Quélo & La Maison Pop
Classe d’accueil du collège Politzer de Montreuil and their school teacher Laurence Ryf
Technical Assistance:
Vincent Roudeau