RAW Image 1

An audio/photographic tool for conveying minimally-mediated impressions of everyday life

Records and accounts of everyday life in our pasts and presents are often mediated by numerous third parties (researchers, producers, editors, and so on). We feel this mediation degrades the full sense of awareness and appreciation we could achieve of other peoples and places. The goal of the RAW project is to develop a new kind of recording tool, together with a method for processing and presenting the material captured with the tool, that enables a more direct, minimally-mediated relationship between its user and the later audience, possibly in a far away place or time.

The project has been revisited as an iPhone app in 2012.

Video demo:

Info & Credits


Joëlle Bitton, Stefan Agamanolis, Matthew Karau

Research group:

Human Connectedness, Media Lab Europe




Projection, binaural sound and programmed in ISIS


ADOS, Paris, June 2003; Atelier du Bogolan, La Maison des Jeunes, Bamako, August 2003; ICHIM 2003, Ecole du Louvre, Paris, Sept. 2003; Media Lab Europe, Dublin, 2003-2004; CHI 2004, Vienna, May 2004; Batofar, Paris, June 2004; ISEA 2004, Helsinki, August 2004; New Forms Festival, Vancouver, Oct. 2004; Dark Light Film Festival, Dublin, Oct. 2004; Collision Six: Senses, Art Interactive, Cambridge, MA, Oct. 2004.; Maison Populaire, Montreuil, Jan. 2010