Rhizoid+Moss is an ongoing art project: it links back to several years of photographic documentation I made of moss terrains across the world, starting with visits to Japanese gardens in 2005 when I produced content for the art installation Abstract.
Moss, with its ancient lineage and quiet resilience, is a medium for exploring themes of otherness and kinship with non-human life. As one of the earliest plants, moss thrives in a wide array of environments, including where other life struggles to take root. Its rhizoid growth while lacking true roots forms intricate, interconnected decentralised networks. Its texture attracting touch evokes an immediate sense of intimacy. Moss’s ability to grow slowly, almost imperceptibly, speaks to a temporality, the closest we could imagine to eternity.
Looking to further this spiritual association of moss with the eternal, my research highlights the micro-world of moss and takes several forms: travel photography, ceramics (micro-sculptures), ritualistic objects, collection of fallen moss pieces, all underlining the radiant solace of letting moss take over.
Info & Credits
2018 - on-going
Photo credits:
Joëlle Bitton, Pictures taken at various locations: Brockholes, UK, Caines Head AK, Yakushima.