
Twipology Image 1
Twipology Image 2
Twipology Image 3
Twipology Image 4

Twipology is a garden generated from Twitter conversations using the hashtags whatever, system, control, radical, surface, cigarette, pink, raw, passage, abstract, kindergarten, superficial. Visitors are welcome to walk, sit, dance, rest, contemplate, spend hours or days in the space.

Twipology is a comment on the uses of personal data for narrated digital fabrication.

The project started with an initial study of visualising a Twitter feed so that it could later be ‘materialised’.
This is an illustration of the original process:

The project changed scale when it was conceived for a large room exhibition.
We also had to address different parameters such as material constraints, size, orientation, etc.

Info & Credits


Joëlle Bitton

Collaborators & Thanks:

Kevin Hinz, Jose Luis García del Castillo y Lopez, Nic Shackle & Paul Mesarcik from Thingking




Kirkland Gallery, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Exhibition pictures:

Jake Rudin